Why Mercury Fillings Are No Longer Used

Mercury fillings, also known as dental amalgams, have been used for over a century to restore decayed teeth. However, their usage has significantly declined in recent years due to various concerns and advancements in dental materials. Here’s an explanation of why mercury fillings are no longer widely used:

Health Concerns

Mercury is a known toxin, and while the amount released by amalgam fillings is small, there has been ongoing concern about its potential health effects. The mercury in fillings can vaporize and be inhaled, leading to concerns about cumulative exposure over time, especially in vulnerable populations like pregnant women, children, and people with certain health conditions. Consult with yourGrand Junction, CO, dentist to learn more about the potential health impacts of mercury fillings.

Environmental Impact

Dental amalgams contribute to environmental mercury contamination. Mercury can be released into the environment during the preparation of amalgam, its removal, and disposal. This environmental aspect has led to regulatory efforts to reduce the use of mercury in dentistry.

Advancements in Dental Materials

Modern dentistry has seen significant advancements in filling materials. Composite resins, for instance, have become popular due to their ability to match the color of natural teeth and their improved strength and durability. These materials provide an aesthetically pleasing and safer alternative to amalgam fillings.

Public Perception and Demand

There’s a growing preference for more natural-looking dental treatments. Patients often choose fillings that blend with the color of their teeth, which mercury fillings cannot provide. The demand for aesthetically pleasing dental work has driven the shift towards composite resins and other alternatives.

When you needfillings in Grand Junction, CO, your dentist will be able to offer you a choice of which filling you would prefer, including ones that blend in with the color of your natural teeth. Contact us today to book your appointment.

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