How to Keep Dentures Looking Clean and New

When a dental patient first gets dentures, it’s an exciting day. Finally, the problem of missing teeth is resolved, and the patient can confidently face the world with a beautiful smile again. The care and maintenance of removable dentures in Grand Junction, CO, is essential to keep them looking as clean and new as that first day. Here are some tips for caring for your new dentures.

Daily Cleaning

Dentures need to be thoroughly cleaned, just like natural teeth. After eating, remove your dentures and rinse them under running water. This will remove loose food debris. Next, take a soft toothbrush and gently brush the surfaces of the dentures, including the top, front, and back. Use a denture-friendly toothpaste for this step. Visually examine the dentures to ensure you have removed all food debris and/or plaque buildup.

Overnight Soaking

While you sleep, soak your dentures in a disinfecting solution. You can find easy-to-use denture tablets specifically made for this purpose at your local pharmacy or general store. When possible, use distilled water for this step. The water should be tepid, not overly hot or cold.


Always be gentle when handling your dentures. They aren’t unbreakable, and they are subject to chipping and cracking. Dentists often recommend laying down a clean towel on the counter before setting dentures down on a hard surface. Always hold dentures over the counter so if you drop them, they land on the soft surface, not on the floor.

When you take the time to care for your dentures properly, you may help to keep them functioning well and remaining comfortable, as well. If you have any questions about your existing dentures or simply wish to discuss getting your first dentures, contact your Grand Junction, CO dentist to book an appointment.

How Do Partial Dentures Stay In?  

Partial dentures are held in place either by precision attachments, acrylic clasps, fixed bridges, or dental implants. Some partial dentures are removable, so you can take them out for cleaning or sleeping. Others are fixed in place, either by crowns attached to the surrounding teeth or by implanted posts, usually made of titanium. Your dentist in Grand Junction, CO, can answer your questions regarding partial dentures and whether they’re a good fit for you.

Why Would I Need a Partial Denture?

Anyone who is missing one or more teeth may elect to have partial dentures. These are used to fill large gaps where natural teeth have either been lost or extracted. They restore the appearance of your smile, and they restore biting and chewing function. They also help to prevent the bone loss that can occur when lost teeth are not replaced. Having a partial denture can help you avoid painful problems with your temporomandibular joint and may prevent costly dental work in the future.

How Does a Partial Denture Stay In?

There are several attachment options for partial dentures:

  • A cast metal framework that clips onto existing teeth
  • A pink acrylic base that uses metal clasps to clip onto surrounding teeth.
  • Gum-colored clasps that nestle between existing teeth
  • Dental implants

Each type of partial denture comes with its own advantages, and your dentist may give you a choice of options. However, not all options are appropriate for all patients. This may be true for patients who have allergies to acrylic, for example, or for patients who don’t want a metal framework to show.

Help with Partial Dentures in Grand Junction, CO

For more information on partial dentures in Grand Junction, CO, we invite you to call Western Slope Dental Center today. Our clinicians and staff are experienced, friendly, and ready to discuss your dental goals. Additionally, we offer a full range of comprehensive dental care to serve all your family’s oral health needs. Whether you want to schedule a routine cleaning, or you’d like to discuss options for improving the appearance of your smile, Western Slope Dental Care is ready to help.

